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West Fraser shareholders approve fixing number of directors at 12; shareholders also approve the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers as auditor of the company

PwC: Middle East economy remains resilient despite oil cuts and geopolitical turbulence, as non-oil sector growth is expected to be robust with strong non-oil GDP performance; focus on green finance could boost economic diversification, job creation

Cleanup of abandoned Neucel pulp mill site in Port Alice will likely be completed by March; BC government can't go after former owners of mill to recover cost of demolition, remediation--including two illegal dumpsites--because the company is offshore

PwC sees brighter future for commercial real estate by 2024; amid lower interest rates, PwC forecasts more commercial mortgage-backed securities will increase investor appetite for acquiring new properties such as affordable housing, data centers

PwC: China's GDP growth likely to pick up in 2024, as private sector investment rises from 2023's low level; consumer spending up 6.8% in first three quarters of 2023 over last year, a bright spot in the economy amid weakness in real estate, global trade

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