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ICVCM issues statement in response to BBC's investigation relating to methodologies for measuring carbon projects; group stresses that unlocking climate finance for indigenous peoples, local communities is a foundational reason for the council's existence

Michigan State University hosts webinar on forest carbon stewardship, discussing climate-adaptive strategies and the US Forest Service's guidance for increased carbon stewardship across national forests and grasslands

The Climate Trust funds, completes planting of 1,222 acres of family-owned forest destroyed by Hurricane Michael, which caused estimated US$2B in damage to forest industry in Florida, Georgia; project also to explore carbon revenue producing forests

Michigan State University’s Forest Carbon and Climate Program teams up with Natural Climate Solutions Alliance to encourage private sector investment in nature-based climate solutions; move makes FCCP the first academic institution to join the NCSA

US Fish and Wildlife selects over US$17M of nature-based solutions projects for forestry, wetland restoration across over 63,100 acres in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee; projects focus on rural areas, coastal resistance and data collection

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