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Itaú BBA: Suzano's proposed deal with IP could be strategically positive, reducing Suzano's exposure to Chinese economy and diversifying to include more paper/packaging; risks include excessive payment, limitations in synergies as assets wouldn't overlap

Cornell University professor's research finds China's goal to reach carbon neutrality by 2060 may result in environmental drawbacks; decarbonizing China Southern Power Grid could negatively impact river basins, reduce amount of cropland in China

Commentary: Mexico's restrictions on genetically engineered corn offer expanded market opportunities for 'premium' non-GE corn, despite US claims that these policies harm trade; report estimates US$40B non-GMO market in US

Analysis: EU and UK's legislation for curbing deforestation requires companies to track at farm level, provide proof of no links to illegal deforestation; new rules impact cattle, soy, palm oil, cocoa and coffee, with fines up to 4% of annual EU turnover

Analysts on Campari's Q1 results: Stifel says company set to continue outgrowing industry peers, driven by its growth engines, aperitifs and Tequila; AllianceBernstein says Campari delivers soft set of results, but underlying trends remain strong

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