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Goodpack and BENTELER China announce strategic partnership within the automotive supply chain industry; BENTELER will leverage Goodpack’s reusable packaging solutions for its global supply chain requirements

Goodpack to provide MB9 reusable containers to Bridgestone for sustainable supply chain management in Japan; container model is designed for optimized handling, efficient storage, transport solutions in the rubber and tire market

Goodpack introduces a reusable circular supply chain model that allows customers, at a low cost, to continually reuse Goodpack’s pallet-sized, pay-per-use metal containers without returning them

Singapore-based Goodpack establishes US$790M sustainability-linked loan linked to its EcoVadis ESG rating score; company is a provider of reusable metal intermediate bulk containers on a pay-per-use basis

Goodpack starts to provide its pallet-sized reusable MB9 containers to tire maker Bridgestone for its business in Japan; MB9 offers a four-way forklift entry, removable sidewalls, rugged build, dimensions that enable efficient storage and transport

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