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GlobalData Plc Analyzes Q3 2023 Filings for Business Insights and Highlights Branding Pitfalls with Adidas Controversy

GlobalData: US semiconductor industry has attracted over US$100B in foreign direct investment since 2019, making it largest recipient of FDI globally; US$6.6B CHIPS Act subsidy was driver behind TSMC boosting future investment into US to US$65B by 2030

GlobalData attributes McDonald's disappointing Q1 to geopolitical Middle East situation that's caused supply chain disruption and boycotts for perceived Israeli sympathies; risk for McDonalds is other consumers may see impact of boycotts and follow suit

GlobalData forecasts Buy Now Pay Later market in Asia-Pacific to make up 7.7% of e-commerce payments by 2028, up from 4.4% in 2023; BNPL already popular in Australia and New Zealand, while India, Singapore, Indonesia and Japan are gaining traction

GlobalData warns proposed France tax aiming to add €5 levy on fast fashion items could have drastic impact on country's apparel sector; proposal could become blueprint for wider European regulations, prompt other nations to implement similar laws

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