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2024 KPMG US CEO Outlook Pulse Survey highlights challenges, opportunities in driving business growth with a lens into managing ‘compound volatility’; topics include US economy, AI, M&A activity, labor market and workplace initiatives, ESG initiatives

Solvay releases 2023 annual integrated report, highlighting sustainable progress; report includes overview of economic, environmental, and societal performance for 2023

Air Products named on Barron's 100 Most Sustainable Companies List for the sixth consecutive year

Euromonitor: Gen Z brings challenges for businesses due to their polarized behaviors toward social activism, technology, spending; to target the cohort, brands should develop multichannel delivery approach, focus on video-centric social media, gaming apps

Epson earns AAA rating in 2024 MSCI ESG Ratings for first time; MSCI ESG Ratings is global ESG investment index that analyzes a company's response to ESG-related risks, opportunities, assigns one of seven ratings ranging from AAA at top to CCC at bottom

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