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Turkish group IS Holding to install new PM at Ober-Schmitten speciality paper mill in Germany; mill currently operates four PMs with combined capacity of 10,000 tpy of speciality paper, such as glassine paper, release liners, electrotechnical papers

Glatfelter to sell Ober-Schmitten and certain related Asian distributor operations to Ostrest, a company owned by chairman of IS Holding; Ober-Schmitten's German facility produces glassine specialty papers, electrotechnical papers

Brazilian researchers develop kraft paper-based electrochemical sensor that can quickly, cheaply detect pesticides in fruit and vegetables; kraft paper and parchment proved stable enough to act as a substrate, but kraft paper gave sensor more sensitivity

Japan Pulp & Paper's German subsidiary wins silver medal in 2023 EcoVadis Sustainability Rating; company handles label substrates, electronics-related products as well as film products, chemicals, specialty papers in Europe

Researchers develop biobased inkjet ink which is electroactive, self-assembling; ink is comprised of graphene, protein nanoclusters, can be used for making eco-friendly electrochemical paper-based analytical devices to detect hydrogen peroxide: study

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