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Barilla ranks as the first food company in the world for reputation in the 2024 Global RepTrak 100

Barilla to stop selling its range of grain-free pasta products under the Tolerant Foods brand in the US, says it wants to focus on 'pasta options' sold under its namesake brand

Packaging Design Wrap-Up: Marie Kondo repurposes Barilla pasta packaging as shipping boxes for clothing; gin distiller uses unfair packaging to highlight gender pay gap in UK; biodegradable garment bag absorbs moisture and can be flipped for second use

Organization guru Marie Kondo teams up with pasta brand Barilla to create set of tutorials that repurpose empty pasta boxes as packaging to ship clothes that have been sold on a secondhand platform; aim of collaboration is to inspire sustainable living

Barilla achieves 80% visibility into the entire lifecycle of its ocean and road shipments, says leveraging real-time supply chain visibility from FourKites saves time and money, and improves satisfaction for its global customer base

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