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Arthritis Foundation, Target partnering to develop Ease of Use Design Guides for product, packaging design; first two guides focus on 'Rigid Packaging - Bottles' and 'Bases and Components,' and four additional guides are in development for household goods

SnapSlide introduces line of no-torque, child-resistant caps for amber vials that are engineered to aid consumers with physical disabilities, limitations; design features a sliding, two-step opening procedure that allows for single-handed opening, closing

Virginia Tech students receive undergraduate fellowships to support research on compostable cutlery and research to better understand packaging challenges of plastic bottles as they relate to children and the elderly

In 2023, 22.5% of persons in the US with a disability were employed, compared to 65.8% of persons without a disability; about 29% of workers with a disability were employed part time: Dept. of Labor

Dymapak launches Squeeze and Turn Tin; the 100% curbside recyclable child-resistant CPG packaging solution features audible and tactile feedback when opening and closing, is also designed to be accessible to elderly or arthritic consumers

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