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Arkansas Dept. of Agriculture distributes 13,400 trees during its Free Tree Fridays campaign in March, April; Arkansas Urban Forestry Council donated six species of native hardwood seedlings including red mulberry, bald cypress and river birch

Study examines early growth dynamics of mixed forests, which it states are more resilient compared to monocultures; study finds that naturally regenerated birch admixture can be used to establish single-storied spruce-birch mixtures

Fox Business network features Roseburg Forest Products' plywood manufacturing process in Riddle, Oregon, on Manufacturing Marvels segment; facility uses hardwood and softwood to produce 'thousands of variations' of plywood

Study finds CLT production could boost undervalued hardwood market in North America, with hardwoods showing stronger bonding strength than softwoods: hybrid combinations are 5% weaker than mixed hardwoods: Michigan Technological University

US stumpage prices for pine pulp, chip-n-saw, hardwood, pulpwood and sawtimber increased quarter-over-quarter; current sawtimber prices are also up slightly compared to a year ago, while pulpwood has declined mildly over same period

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