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US disposable personal income increased 0.5% in March, personal consumption expenditures up 0.8%; rise in personal income primarily reflected an increase in compensation: BEA

US real GDP increased in all 50 states and DC in Q4; percent change in Q4 real GDP ranged from 6.7% in Nevada to 0.2% in Nebraska: Dept. of Commerce

US disposable personal income rose 0.2% in February, personal consumption expenditures rose 0.8%; rise in personal income primarily reflected increases in compensation and personal current transfer receipts: BEA

US net international investment position was -US$19.77T at the end of Q4 compared to -US$18.11T in Q3: Dept. of Commerce

US disposable personal income rose 0.3% in January, personal consumption expenditures up 0.2%; rise in personal income reflected increases in government social benefits, personal income receipts on assets, and compensation: BEA

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