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Kaiser Permanente opens Maui's first Mom and Newborn Center, offering combined postpartum checkups; expanded maternity services include KP Connected and Centering Pregnancy support sessions starting fall 2024

Wellness real estate market surged to US$438B in 2023 from US$225B in 2019, expected to grow 15%/year from 2023 to 2028, when it will reach US$913B; three biggest national markets are US, China and UK: Global Wellness Institute

FedEx Express unveils FedEx Life Science Center in Mumbai to support clinical trial storage, logistics for healthcare customers in, shipping to India; site covers temperature-controlled zones, offers destruction services for returned medicinal products

NY A08497: Creates a four-year demonstration project to reduce temporary staffing in residential healthcare facilities.

American Hospital Association and five other national associations representing hospitals urge US Supreme Court to review a case challenging how the HHS applies Congress’ formula for calculating Disproportionate Share Hospital payment

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