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Indian paper industry urges federal government to provide degraded land on a long- term lease to paper mills for pulpwood plantations to address raw material shortage, boost rural employment

NC State University studies production of viable hemp pulps for papermaking applications, reports pretreatment and pulping results indicate promising future of hemp for papermaking; funders for research include Mohawk Fine Papers, Genoverde Biosciences

Italy-based Mogu is managing a research project, called MY-FI, that received EU funding to develop nonwoven fabrics made of mycelium fibers for textile industry; four distinct material prototypes are undergoing comprehensive characterization campaign

BASF's Chemovator invests in Detroit-based startup Heartland, a producer of natural fiber plastic additives; Heartland's hemp-based materials can be used as additives to advance materials such as dispersion and bulk density, while reducing GHG emissions

Washington state startup Palouse Fiber Packaging debuts four-cup carriers made of wheat straw pulp, ahead of state's ban on PS foam takeout containers; locally sourced pulp is utilized as a molding medium instead of being incinerated as agricultural waste

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