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Vanda Pharmaceuticals' attempts to uphold patents for circadian rhythm drug Hetlioz denied by the US Supreme Court; the decision follows an earlier legal loss against generic drug manufacturers Teva and Apotex & an FDA rejection of Hetlioz usage expansion

Eli Lilly reports tirzepatide injectable significantly reduced sleep apnea in Phase 3 trials, achieving up to 63% reduction in the apnea-hypopnea index, a measure of sleep apnea severity; the drug also led to significant weight loss

ResMed launches AirFit F40 ultra-compact full-face mask with the high seal performance of a traditional over-the-nose mask to improve sleep apnea therapy compliance in the US; ResMed plans release of the mask in Canada, EMEA, Latin America, and APAC

Mount Sinai receives US$3.0M NIH grant to develop AI-powered models to predict cardiovascular risk in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and identify the effectiveness of common treatments; obstructive sleep apnea affects over 1 billion people globally

Herbalife survey finds 78% of American respondents aim to improve their sleep in 2024, with 66% of individuals noting use of television or phone screens within two hours before bedtime; just 48% say they know how to get a good night's sleep

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