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Forrester: Walmart closing its health clinics illustrates size alone isn't a recipe for success in providing health services; Walmart built out its clinics but didn't invest in driving adoption, causing it to fall behind other retailers like Amazon, CVS

Walmart announces closure of all 51 health clinics in five states and discontinuation of virtual care services; Walmart says the business model is not sustainable due to challenging reimbursement environment and escalating operating costs

Commentary: Walgreens shuttering VillageMD 160 primary-care clinics has some analysts questioning whether company will exit healthcare to focus on its pharmacy roots; Jefferies says closures signal problems are worse than expected in core Village platform

Commentary: Amazon, CVS Health, Walgreens' push into primary care aimed to access millions of new patients and new revenue streams, but strategy is losing money; significant capital is needed, and time it takes to be profitable has become hard to sustain

Hy-Vee becomes joint owner of medical clinic company Exemplar Care; per deal, Exemplar Care medical clinics will be renamed to Hy-Vee Health Exemplar Care, offering direct primary care and 24/7 urgent care where available

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