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McKinsey: US faces skilled labor shortage in construction, manufacturing and other trades, as demand for these jobs is expected to rise over next decade, driven by infrastructure needs, boom in real estate redevelopment and renewable energy investments

McKinsey estimates copper demand could soar to 36 million tonnes by 2031, but supply will only reach 30 million tonnes due to poor performance of main mining companies; analysts attribute copper's second life to fever unleashed by everything related to AI

McKinsey analysis finds two-thirds of fashion businesses are behind on decarbonization plans; however, most brands could reduce emissions by over 60% for less than 1%-2% of their revenues, even without relying on customer-dependent changes like resale

McKinsey: For biopharma M&As, best returns come from smaller, strategic transactions than larger deals, despite recent deals by Bristol Myers Squibb, AbbVie; companies should determine what assets they need to build their pipeline, become market leaders

McKinsey: Millennials, Gen Z spend more on groceries versus other categories, treating them more like a luxury than a staple; survey finds both millennials and Gen Z plan to splurge most on groceries, while boomers and Gen X splurge most on restaurants

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