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McGill University researchers develop new approach to improve energy efficiency of carbon conversion using waste material from pulp, paper production; technique uses Canadian Light Source synchrotron to reduce energy to convert carbon into useful products

McGill University researchers find potential method to program adhesion of hydrogels; the finding promises improvements in medical treatments such as wound dressings and drug-release devices

US Patent Issued to Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, The Royal Institution For the Advancement of Learning/McGill University on Feb. 6 for "Methods of treating decreased bone mineral density with cluster of...

McGill University's student-run Menstrual Health Project aims to make eco-friendly period products more accessible through free product dispensers; organic bamboo pads and tampons are free of chemicals, chlorine and fragrance, come in compostable wrappers

McGill University researchers develop 3D-printable 'lab on a chip' that could revolutionize on-the-spot medical testing; the chip could potentially enable home diagnostics including COVID-19 antibody testing

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