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K-beauty market to reach US$19.3B by 2034 with CAGR of 5.90% during forecast period; growth is driven by factors including continued influence of Korean entertainment, wide availability of K-beauty products globally due to e-commerce: report

Clean beauty, male grooming products drive jojoba oil's market growth, which has projected value of US$298M by 2034; the natural composition aligns with clean beauty principles, and its versatile, non-greasy texture is suitable in grooming products: FMI

Global dry skin cream, lotion and ointment market is forecast to reach US$86.1B by 2034, driven by skin-care awareness and moisturizer demand; creams dominated the market with a share of 46.5% in 2022: Future Market Insights

Dietary supplements market is expected to grow from US$68.20B in 2023 to US$163.66B by 2033 with CAGR growth of 9.1% from 2023-2033; growth driven by increasing consumer awareness regarding well-being and preventive measures: Future Market Insights Inc.

FMI expects personalized packaging market to grow at CAGR of 5.28% to US$60.39B in 2033, driven by higher demand from electronic companies and branding campaigns, despite potential rise in manufacturing costs; US, UK, Asian markets show prominent growth

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