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UnitedHealth's Change Healthcare cyberattack began due to a server missing multifactor authentication says CEO in Senate hearing; the ransomware attack disrupted the healthcare system nationwide, requiring a US$22.0M ransom for data release

Attorneys general from 22 states urge UnitedHealth Group to take action after Change Healthcare cyberattack; calls include enhanced financial assistance and suspending certain requirements for all affected providers, pharmacies, and facilities

UnitedHealth Group confirms it paid ransom after cyberattack on subsidiary Change Healthcare to protect patient data from being disclosed; company suspects patient data covering a substantial proportion of people in the US might have been compromised

UnitedHealth estimates the cost of Change Healthcare cyberattack could reach US$1.6B this year due to recovery costs and increased medical costs after suspending processes; systems expected to return to normal next year

HHS releases guide to assist healthcare providers affected by Change Healthcare cyberattack, offers suggestions for cybersecurity performance goals

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