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US Forest Service proposal to protect old-growth forests will need timber industry to clear out heavy fuel loads, which can lead to bigger wildfires; companies can still find economic value in younger trees that come out of the forest to reduce fuel loads

Group of conservation, sporting and forest stewardship organizations laud USDA, US Forest Service's proposal to conserve old-growth forests through 'proactive, science-based management' approaches to address climate change, other threats to forests

The Wilderness Society says US Forest Service should focus on protecting mature and old forests, improving forests' climate resilience as it looks to amend Northwest Forest Plan; plan covers 19 million acres of federal forest lands in Pacific Northwest

Magistrates court in Tasmania hears arguments on whether private individuals and organizations have right to pursue criminal charges for illegal logging of native forest; Wilderness Society Tasmania accuses Forestry Tasmania of illegal logging activities

Victoria, Australia, revokes VicForests' status as a State business corporation; Wilderness Society-Australia says state treasurer could be preparing to wind up the state-owned logging corporation

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