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Mosaic Forest Management donates C$1.3M to UBC Forestry for educational use, including facility upgrades, field work; company has donated over C$10M to environmental causes and thousands of hectares of land for non-timber uses over past five years

Dept. of the Interior and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation announce US$11.8M for 10 projects in seven states; funds include US$200,000 earmarked to US Forest Service to enhance elk habitat in Colorado through mechanical vegetation treatments

AtkinsRealis brings beavers back to East Anglia, England, reducing impact of floods, drought by storing three million liters of water across woodland over past five years; project shows nature-based solutions are effective in smaller river catchments

TUI Forest Peru to plant 1.9 million trees in Vilcanota mountains for International Day of Forests; at least 20 community-run nurseries to be built to restore approximately 800 hectares of endangered Polylepis forests, which help protect water security

Hawaii's forestry division will conduct a public hearing on proposed amendments to Hawaii Forest Stewardship Program; proposed rule changes include allowing long-term leaseholders and lands managed for non-timber forest products to participate in program

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