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American Booksellers Assn. donates its archives to Columbia University Libraries where it will be housed in the Rare Book & Manuscript Library; collection includes documents, photos pertaining to history of US bookselling, history of organization

Columbia University researchers use new technology to identify smaller microplastics in bottled water; new observations show detectable plastic fragments 10 to 100 times greater than previous estimates

Columbia University study assesses menstrual product choices by demographics; socioeconomic factors determine attitudes about menstruation and use of intimate care products, while expectations around odor control disproportionately fall on Black women

Columbia economist warns of economic 'doom loop' for large to mid-sized US cities due to declining office demand, potentially leading to higher tax rates, falling property values and banks facing trouble from potential US$600B office building debt

US public water system users, especially in the South and West, see reduction in arsenic exposure due to stricter regulations, says Columbia University study; disparities persist on region, race/ethnicity, educational attainment, public water levels

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