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Alliance for Automotive Innovation criticizes California's plan to end the sale of gasoline-only vehicles by 2035, saying it is potentially unworkable in 11 states that have adopted it due to insufficient consumer demand

Alliance for Automotive Innovation's Q3 2023 EV market analysis finds a 63% year-over-year increase in EV sales but lag in public charging infrastructure; EVs represented 10.1% of new light-duty vehicle sales in Q3, with light trucks dominating EV market

Sierra Club urges GM and Ford to support new EPA regulations to accelerate EV transition and distance their companies from Alliance for Automotive Innovation's opposition to new rules

Alliance for Automotive Innovation sends letter to Congress and FTC opposing Cleveland-Cliffs' proposed acquisition of US Steel; the group believes the lack of competion could increase auto industry costs for materials and finished vehicles

Automakers propose annual EPA review of market factors supporting EVs and suggest yearly adjustments, which could lead to less-stringent greenhouse gas requirements

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