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INRS, Health Canada and UQAM collaborate on study to better protect women working with products containing harmful substances daily, focusing on beauty care workers and their heightened exposure to endocrine disruptors in cosmetic products

University of Quebec partners with NCASI, Resolute to lead C$6M, five-year initiative to improve public perception of forestry while enhancing forest resiliency; project to use tree species diversity to optimize recoverability from environmental stressors

University of Quebec study shows rising temperatures, forest practices may lead to significant shifts in composition of boreal mixed wood forest; planting temperate hardwoods in boreal mixed forest could improve biodiversity, resilience to disturbances

Eco Entreprises Quebec and University of Quebec in Montreal school of design announce launch of Unwrapping, the English version of Tout déballer, a French-language documentary that sheds light on the complex system behind packaging and its many functions

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