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New report by University of Florida, 1000 Friends of Florida highlights potential loss of up to 2.2 million acres of agricultural land; report suggests funding conservation programs, incentives, to protect lands against climate change, development threats

University of Florida and University of Michigan researchers find climate change dictates forest productivity; western US forests have reduced productivity due to severe weather, while milder climate effects have slightly boosted growth of eastern forests

Scientists develop lower energy method for recycling plastics, without sacrificing quality of recycled plastic; process chemically recycles plastics back to original polymers, which can be used to make new high-quality plastics: University of Florida

CSX Commits $10 Million Donation to the University of Florida Graduate Center Project in Jacksonville

Under SFI standard to continue research, Rayonier, University of Florida working to find ways to improve water flow in streams by changing forest management; Rayonier also working to explore ways forest managers can identify, mitigate climate risks

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