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Alabama and Florida ban products made from animal cells, playing into claims the product is a threat to livestock farming

Analysis: EU and UK's legislation for curbing deforestation requires companies to track at farm level, provide proof of no links to illegal deforestation; new rules impact cattle, soy, palm oil, cocoa and coffee, with fines up to 4% of annual EU turnover

Price gap between plant-based meat and animal-based products is narrowing, as animal products deal with hardships such as culled herd size, high input costs and drought, says Impossible Foods CEO Peter McGuinness

As deforestation, climate change-induced droughts threaten cattle ranching in Amazon, companies such as Re.green, Mombak turn to reforestation initiatives; challenges include guaranteeing carbon credit quality and avoiding entrenchment of fossil fuel use

Rabobank: Global beef market displaying mixed signals with strong demand in US, weaker demand in Asia; global beef production to decline very slightly in 2024, with contractions and growth across various regions almost balancing themselves out

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