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Eastman Chem Seeks Patent for Shrinkable Polyester Films with Reduced Shrinkage

Zhengxin Packaging launches heat shrink film for beverage bottles, tetra packs that utilizes LyondellBasell's LYB CirculenRecover PE sourced from PCR plastic; film's recycled content potentially reaches up to 60%, one of the highest ratios in the industry

Brook + Whittle awarded US patent for GreenLabel BlockOut, a recyclable light-blocking shrink sleeve solution for PET packaging; solution enables brands to shift from problematic plastics to clear PET packaging while protecting products from light

The Procter & Gamble Granted Patent for Infrared-Assisted Shrink Wrap Product Bundling

Patent Issued for Shrink tunnel for shrinking shrink films onto packages, such as boxes, bottles, cans, or similar containers, or packaging units, and a method of operating a shrink tunnel to shrink wrap packages or packaging units (USPTO 11958646)

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