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Oceana lauds efforts by Philippines government departments and airport, port authorities for enforcing policies that ban single-use plastic cups, drinking straws, coffee stirrers, spoons, forks, knives, and thin-filmed plastic bags within their domains

Oceana estimates Amazon generated 208 million lbs. of plastic packaging waste for all transactions in US in 2022, up 9.6% from its 2021 estimate; Oceana calls on Amazon to phase out plastic packaging in US, commit to a reduction of least one-third by 2030

Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park--the largest protected area in Philippines--bans single-use plastics, including bags, straws, cutlery, stirrers and PS, to protect marine and wildlife resources from negative impacts of pollution; Oceana lauds the move

Oceana says future of returnable bottles at risk following the sale of Coca-Coca Philippines; Coca-Cola ‘has failed' in the Philippines to prioritize or promote reusable packaging, 'despite strong evidence that doing so could reduce single-use plastics'

Oceana report reveals significant presence of large-scale reusable packaging systems around the world, including in the Philippines; report also highlights several promising large-scale reusable cup systems in US and Europe, including TURN, r.World, Re-uz

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