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US convenience-store industry grows for second consecutive year, up 1.5% year-over-year to 152,396 stores; Texas continues to have the most convenience stores at 16,304 stores, only seven states saw a reduction in store counts NACS/NIQ

NACS names Victor Paterno as 2023-24 chairman and releases names of executive committee, which Paterno also leads; Paterno is president and CEO of Philippine Seven Corp., which holds the license to operate 7-Eleven stores in the Philippines

ProAmpac to present its fiber-based food-to-go packaging for the convenience store industry at NACS show, says the products elevate products and sales, optimize transportation and storage, reduce labor, produce less waste and are more sustainable

The Hershey Company to Showcase Innovation and Insights at 2023 NACS Show Expo Oct. 3-6

Conagra Brands to exhibit at the National Assn. of Convenience Stores Expo Oct. 4-6; brands to be displayed include Slim Jim, Penrose, David, Bigs and Andy Capp's

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