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Canadian Intellectual Property Office Publishes Univ Leuven Kath and Klabin SA's Patent Application for Lignin Fractionation

Klabin publishes Santa Catarina Public Summary for 2024, highlights social and sustainability policies, proper management of its native and planted forests; Klabin's forest area in region covers 151,000 hectares, including 72,000 hectares of native forest

Klabin is hiring trainees for administrative and operational sectors with 43 internship places available; Integra Klabin program aims to develop student experience, focusing on diversity and inclusivity, in line with the Klabin 2030 Agenda

Klabin celebrates 125 years with new video and social, print campaign focusing on 'Efficiency that transforms'; company is known for its integrated forest operations, offering various types of pulp, and as the largest producer of paper packaging in Brazil

Klabin posts Q1 net profit of R$460M, down 64% from year-ago period, but up 24% from Q4, as revenue drops 8% year-over-year to R$4.43B; pulp prices saw recovery in Q1, and increased kraftliner demand confirmed the market recovery that began in Q4

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