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Walmart’s new grocery private brand Bettergoods leans into the retailer’s reputation for low prices, but also aims to appeal to consumers across income brackets, says Walmart President and CEO Doug McMillon

Premier Foods returns to volume growth in the final quarter of its financial year as pricing gave way to promotions and market-share gains, says CEO Alex Whitehouse

Krispy Kreme President and CEO Joshua Charlesworth announces that company is raising its long-term global points-of-access goal from 75,000 to 100,000; announcement comes amid plans underway to sell donuts in more McDonald's locations

Companies should understand top AI talent could get paid more than CEO, says LG CEO, offering to pay US$1M salary for such a talent; LG's hiring plan includes researchers, executives, team leads, particularly a leader in 'burgeoning security' sector

BurgerFi CEO Carl Bachmann attributes Q1 declines to 'a challenging consumer environment,' which, he says, also impacted competitors; severity of BurgerFi’s sharp drop in sales due to 'unfavorable weather in key markets,' CEO adds

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