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Magellan Health launches Teen Mental Wellbeing app for ages 13-22; BeMe Health-powered app provides digital tools, evidence-based approaches to address real-time mental health needs

Total US summer jobs added for teens increased 4.2% year-over-year in 2024; teen jobs added in May, June and July increased to 1,077,000 from 1,034,000 year ago: Challenger, Gray & Christmas

Magellan Health advocates enhanced mental health support for military teens; emphasizes early school intervention

University of Michigan study finds teen, young adult vapers more likely to start using cigarettes or other drugs, based on data from eight-year period; risk for starting cannabis remained, regardless of whether someone used e-cigarettes or other tobacco

Tech vs. Trees: UK joins global digital trade agreement that transitions from paper-based to digital processes, nearly twice as many Americans prefer digital coupons over paper coupons, US print book sales for middle grade readers continue to underperform

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