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Rutgers University researchers find potassium EDTA as equally effective as sodium EDTA in treating calcific band keratopathy, offering alternative treatment in cases where sodium EDTA sources are unavailable

PMMI Foundation, in collaboration with Garvey, announces that Rutgers University has been selected as recipient of the 2023 Mark C. Garvey Scholarship; the US$5,000 scholarship will support a student in the Rutgers Packaging Engineering Program

Quest Diagnostics Foundation grant allows Rutgers University's H.O.P.E. Clinic to provide no-cost lab tests and primary care services on two days per week instead of one; tests offered for diabetes, hypertension, STDs and Lyme disease

Freshness indicators for kimchi can detect changes in CO2, acetic acid in packaging, study finds; three-layer indicator is made of PET coated with PEBA, methyl red, bromothymol blue, changes color from fermentation to spoiled stages, with no dye migration

Rutgers University begins late-stage pediatric clinical trials for Pfizer and Valneva's VLA15 Lyme disease vaccine; the vaccine targets the outer surface protein of the bacteria that causes Lyme disease

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