A comprehensive view of National Institutes of Health (NIH). This page highlights a small sample of our full coverage.
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BioNTech receives a notice of default from the NIH over allegedly owed vaccine royalties under a prior licensing agreement

Cincinnati Children's Hospital receives US$380,000/year NIH grant for seven years to lead food allergy research as part of CoFAR; the grant makes Cincinnati Children's the only NIH-funded food allergy research center in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana

NIH clinical trial shows silver diamine fluoride more effective than placebo in treating pediatric cavities

Mount Sinai receives US$3.0M NIH grant to develop AI-powered models to predict cardiovascular risk in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and identify the effectiveness of common treatments; obstructive sleep apnea affects over 1 billion people globally

Greater consumption of tea, processed meats and food prepared outside the home is associated with increased levels of PFAS in the body over time, NIH-funded study shows

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