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EUFORGEN presents Mediterranean Stone Pines Under Attack: the Invasion of the Pine Tortoise Scale webinar on May 2 at 14:00 CEST; event to look at how genetics research could promote more resistant trees, despite unlikely eradication due to climate change

INRAE sampled maritime pine population of Les Corbieres in France, as part of Horizon Europe's OptFORESTS project to study tree interactions; tree species could offer positive forest fire adaptations, while maintaining overall Atlantic genomic background

MA H1718: Relative to the humane protection of animals

Breaking News: Dominion Energy Atlantic Coast Offshore Wind Project Delayed by Lawsuit Seeking to Protect Endangered Right Whale

Study of 665 trials shows conservation actions either improved biodiversity or slowed its decline in two-thirds of cases; deforestation in Congo Basin was 74% lower in logging concessions under forest management plan compared to those without one

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