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REMONDIS and Pyrum Innovations sign letter of intent, start planning joint tire recycling plant in Bremen, Germany using pyrolysis technilogy; site will have capacity to recycle 20,000 tonnes/year of end-of-life tires to recover carbon black

Continental using recovered industrial carbon black in its tire production; carbon black supplied by Pyrum, which uses pyrolysis to recover the material from old tires

Pyrum Innovations to supply 100% recovered carbon black to bicycle tire manufacturer Ralf Bohle; 'Green Marathon' tire is first product created by Schwalbe Recycling System, a joint project of Pyrum, Ralf Bohle and TH Köln University of Applied Sciences

SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK planning UK’s first tire recycling plant using Pyrum Innovations' pyrolysis technology; process reduces CO2 emissions by up to 72%, separates tires into carbon black, oil & pyrolysis gas for reuse

Pyrum Innovations and Suez to build Pyrum's first pyrolysis plant in UK; plant to feature three pyrolysis reactors with recycling capacity of 20,000 tons/year of old tires, with Suez to bear costs for approval, permits process

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