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LA HCR115: Directs the Department of Children and Family Services to seek a federal waiver to limit access to unhealthy foods.

GlobalData: Brands marketing ultra-processed foods with legitimate health advantages face challenge of ethically promoting them; brands should invest in food technology like AI algorithms to find optimal ingredient combinations, clean label additives

Sixty-seven percent of Europeans say they believe ultra-processed foods contribute to obesity, diabetes and other lifestyle-related health issues, according to new study

Consumer Reports urges General Mills to reduce phthalates in its food products, highlighting the high levels present in its Annie’s Organic Cheesy Ravioli; phthalates may be present due to packaging or due to equipment used during food processing

Pregnant women should avoid ultra-processed, fast food due to potential exposure to phthalates in packaging, according to new research in Environmental International; prior studies have linked phthalates with low birth weight, developmental problems, more

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