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Volpak offers an extensive portfolio of pouching machinery that addresses the intricate demands of the pet food industry, particularly for dry treats and wet pet food; company notes the global pet care market is projected to reach €247.80B by 2028

Iowa-based Pack & Inspect Group announces HFFS F&B pouch packaging machinery with tolerance calibration; company is part of international horizontal sachet and pouch packaging brand Effytec, offers HFFS packaging solutions throughout Midwest

American Packaging opens a second production unit of digitally printed flexible packaging in its Wisconsin Center of Excellence; location offers digital printing, laminating, coating and pouching, is designed for order fulfillment in 15 days or less

Amcor launches AmPrima Plus refill pouch for AVON Little Black Dress classic shower gels in China; pouch will result in 83% reduction in carbon footprint, and 88% and 79% reduction in water consumption and renewable energy, respectively, when recycled

Packaging Dive highlights Dionis Goat Milk Skincare's 16.9-oz. refill pouch, Bandit Wines' carton by Tetra Pak that incorporates AR, K-C's diaper pack by Amcor made of recycled plastic film, American Packaging’s pet food pouch designed for recyclability

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