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CA AB2300: Medical devices: Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP).

China Post Group promotes first mandatory national standard for express packaging, which will be effective from June 1; standard sets clear limits for heavy metals and specific substances such as solvent residues, BPA and phthalates

Consumer Reports urges General Mills to reduce phthalates in its food products, highlighting the high levels present in its Annie’s Organic Cheesy Ravioli; phthalates may be present due to packaging or due to equipment used during food processing

Pregnant women should avoid ultra-processed, fast food due to potential exposure to phthalates in packaging, according to new research in Environmental International; prior studies have linked phthalates with low birth weight, developmental problems, more

One in 10 premature births in the US has been linked to exposure to phthalates during pregnancy, according to study by New York University's Langone Health center

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