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Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence expects baby toiletries market to grow at CAGR of 4.26% to US$4.21B by 2029, driven by rising global population and birth rates, e-commerce growth, and high demand for organic and eco-friendly products

Whole Foods feels responsibility as company to take look at how it can find ways to protect environment and support food systems for future generations, says CEO Jason Buechel, adding: 'Organics have been a part of the company from the beginning'

Patent Issued for Organic photodetector (USPTO 11968885)

Patent Issued for Organic electroluminescent element, material for organic electroluminescent elements, and electronic device (USPTO 11968894)

Tate & Lyle celebrates opening of new capacity for dietary fibers at its facility in Boleráz, Slovakia, including leading non-GMO PROMITOR Soluble Fibers

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