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Scan Sverige switches to Mondi’s WalletPack--a PP-based monomaterial packaging designed for recycling--for its Pärsons brand of sliced ham, salami, plant-based products; WalletPack replaces previous solution, an unrecyclable multi-material pack

Origin Materials introduces what is said to be world’s lightest carbonated soft drink PET cap compatible with PCO 1881 neck finish; the 100% PET cap can be produced with either virgin or rPET

Europe mixed polyolefin bale prices rise amid higher prices in France, where internal use of waste polyolefin increased in April; changes in French regulations resulted in most monomaterial being made from mixed polyolefin bale streams: ICIS

Gualapack’s Pouch5 featured in Sustainable Packaging News; the recyclable monomaterial pouch is certified suitable for a vast range of food and non-food products

Siegwerk highlights its CIRKIT functional coatings used in a fully recyclable mono-PE bag for dry pet food; coatings enable high-barrier monomaterial packaging that is fully recyclable

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