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Jacksonville, Florida issues permit for Midwest Industrial Funds to build nearly 337,000-sq-ft warehouse at project cost of US$23.9M; site is near major distribution facilities including FedEx, UPS and is east of the Georgia-Pacific warehouse

GlobalData: Shanghai introduces new labeling scheme for sugary drinks as growing health awareness fuels demand for low-calorie beverages; initiative mirrors UK and Singapore's efforts, potentially paving way for nationwide rollout in China

Alabama bill that would cut state's sales taxes on specific maternal, baby, and menstrual hygiene products is now awaiting final vote in the House; the bill would also allow local governments to remove their local sales taxes if desired

Alabama man accused of felony theft by deception by lying about taking lumber to Georgia Pacific, according to Floyd County Jail; Vernon Smith was paid US$3,574.29 for work not performed between Dec. 21, 2023 and March 20

City of Columbia, Missouri, evaluates options to improve recycling facility; Material Recovery Facility in Columbia was built in 2002, has equipment not performing as design, high levels of contamination from drop-off centers, safety concerns

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