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Sofidel recognized with SEAL Environmental Initiatives Award for its Amazonia project; collaborative effort between Sofidel and Suzano aims to protect biodiversity, support local communities in Amazon region

Washington Dept. of Natural Resources receives US$15.3M federal grant for purchase of nearly 10,000 acres of forestland near Cle Elum; purchase designed to prevent land fragmentation due to land becoming subdivided among different public, private owners

Study examines early growth dynamics of mixed forests, which it states are more resilient compared to monocultures; study finds that naturally regenerated birch admixture can be used to establish single-storied spruce-birch mixtures

Verra invites public comments for project registration in its standard programs; eight projects, including China's Fangchenggang Mangrove Afforestation and Hawaii's Ola Hou – Restoring Native Hawaiian Forests, open for comment till early June

IUFRO: International forest governance based on deforestation rates alone can lead to 'climatization' of forests, diminish their value as complex ecosystems; policymakers should support long-term, locally-driven alternatives that consider equity, justice

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