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US chemical railcar loadings for week ended on March 23 rise to 33,702, up 3.6% year-over-year, according to data from the Association of American Railroads

US transportation secretary criticizes Assn. of American Railroads for obstructing reforms such as Railway Safety Act amid rising accident rates; lawmaker says railways are focused on short-term profits and laying off workers despite low staffing levels

Union Pacific appoints Andrew Brady as VP of external relations, replacing retiring Printz Bolin at end of February; Brady previously served as assistant VP of external relations for UP after serving as assistant VP of government affairs at AAR

Major freight railroads refuse to join government safety reporting program, citing concerns of possible abuse by workers trying to avoid discipline; experts argue that this might deter workers from reporting unsafe conditions due to fear of retribution

Assn. of American Railroads proposes policies to support US climate goals, resilient rail network; policies to support low-, zero-emissions locomotive research and transitioning locomotive fleets when zero-emission tech is viable, safe and reliable

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