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Canada Goose withdraws long-term financial targets, citing challenging consumer spending environment and disappointing DTC, wholesale revenues; company is also pausing previously announced five-year plans, including its brick-and-mortar strategy

Tesla board urges retail investors to back Elon Musk's $56 billion pay deal

LG CEO makes strategic visit to US, with goals to attract investors and talents amid new opportunities in AI, cloud, big data; maker of smart electronics aims to accelerate AI integration into all of its businesses to 'revolutionize customer experience'

Commentary: Elon Musk seeks to position Tesla as a software, AI, and robotics company, stressing that looking at Tesla as a traditional automaker is 'wrong framework;' remarks show Musk wants to compete with Apple and Microsoft rather than Ford or Toyota

Ford may not meet its target to sell exclusively electric cars in Europe by 2030 due to lower than anticipated demand for EVs, says Martin Sander, head of Ford's passenger-car business in Europe; EU to require electric vehicles in Europe in 2035

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