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John Burns Consulting: Four generations of homebuyers have different priorities in home buying; Boomers less motivated to move, Gen X starting to buy move-down homes, millennials moving up from starter homes, and Gen Z compromising to buy first home

Kitchen & Bath Market Index rises in Q1, driven by manufacturing sector's optimism toward revenue growth, with an index rating of 58, outpacing overall 56.4 index rating: John Burns Research & Consulting

John Burns Consulting identifies ways to alleviate US housing undersupply of 2.1 million units, such as simplifying homes to make them more affordable, using tech to build homes in less time, government support like tax credits for developers and builders

New Home Trends Institute survey debunks myths about Gen Z home ownership; Gen Z's disinterest in home ownership is due to affordability rather than preference shift, and Gen Z is also less likely to be homeowners than millennials at same stage of life

John Burns Consulting: Aging baby boomers are adding relatively few homes to resale supply, with deaths estimated to lead to 772,000 homes listed annually by 2033; not all these homes will be for sale, as many will transition to single-family rental units

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