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IUFRO: International forest governance based on deforestation rates alone can lead to 'climatization' of forests, diminish their value as complex ecosystems; policymakers should support long-term, locally-driven alternatives that consider equity, justice

Study finds market-based forestry schemes, such as carbon offsets and deforestation-free certification have made little progress in conservation; report notes stakeholders are 'more often interested in short-term profits' instead of sustainable forestry

ITTO executive director highlights potential of sustainable wood supply chains for achieving carbon neutrality at joint FAO and International Union of Forest Research Organizations event; sustainably produced wood can be used as a carbon sink

International Union of Forest Research Organisations conference to be held March 3-8 in Rotorua, New Zealand; event is dedicated to exploring vegetative propagation technologies

Executive Perspective: Since Mondi, IUFRO launched TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS in 2021, platform has worked to unite science, business for 'real dialogue' about diverse demands placed on forests; partnership to involve more companies along forest value chain

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