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Pfizer reportedly agrees to settle over 10,000 Zantac-related cases reports Bloomberg; lawsuits allege Pfizer did not disclose the cancer risks of the heartburn medication

EVs are reducing carbon emissions and oil demand by about 1.5 million barrels of oil per day; electric bikes and mopeds account for about two-thirds of the reduction reports BloombergNEF

BloombergNEF: With SBTi allowing wider use, including Scope 3 emission offsets, demand for carbon dioxide offset could reach 5.9 billion tons; removal-only market could face supply shortage, with prices reaching as high as $290/ton by 2034

BloombergNEF announces 11 winners of 2024 Pioneers award for innovative technologies and products working towards global decarbonization, climate change mitigation; technologies include new biofuel feedstocks, and standardizing biodiversity monitoring

Survey finds Tesla leads brand retention, with 87% of Tesla owners saying they would buy another Tesla, followed by Lexus at 68%, Toyota at 54%, Ford at 53%; the study also suggests US BEV market share on track to reach 25% by 2030: Bloomberg Intelligence

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