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New York Assembly lawmakers are advancing legislation aimed at cutting down on plastic packaging; opponents discuss impact of sliced cheese and the bill’s broader issue of having far-reaching implications that would affect all New Yorkers

McKinsey: Retail value of US dairy grew 7% from 2022 to 2023, mostly driven by pricing though future growth is expected to be driven by volume; dairy expected to grow 4% annually from 2024 to 2027, with cheese and yogurt seeing most growth

Aldi urges suppliers to cut costs, focus on sustainable practices at supplier summit; company also wants suppliers to bring operations closer to Aldi locations and increase production of certain items, such as cheese

Schnucks recalls three cream cheese spreads due to potential salmonella contamination

String cheese brand Frigo Cheese Heads launches new packaging featuring its unique cheese characters created for 'We Are All Cheese Heads’ ad campaign; characters will appear on inner packaging that protects individual string cheese in 12-count packages

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