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Conair's president and CEO announces appointment of Willi Candra as new Chief Digital & Technology Officer; Candra will oversee the company's digital capabilities, including data analytics and program management

Conair announces Kristie Juster as new President and CEO, effective Jan. 8; Ron Diamond, President and CEO since 2018, will become Vice Chairman of the company’s Board of Directors

Conair will establish a new distribution center in Washington County, Maryland, creating 700 jobs over the next decade; the 2.1 million sq.-ft. facility will be the largest warehouse in Maryland and for small appliances nationwide

Conair acquires The Fulham Group, exclusive maker of Cuisinart Outdoor Products and a long-term business partner; this is Conair's first acquisition since becoming part of American Securities' portfolio of companies

Pet food companies team up with home appliance and meal kit brands to offer homemade pet food options; Cuisinart to release GoodBone Treat Maker, an appliance for homemade dog treats, while HelloFresh has introduced own pet food line called the Pets Table

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